- September 24, 2018
I can’t say how touched I have been with the support I have gotten from family and friends. Over the past week I have gotten calls, text messages and emails wishing me a Buen Camino. Not a single person questioned what I am doing or why. Thank you friends and MORE
- September 24, 2018
A few weeks ago I met with Kurt Shaffert, the interim pastor for Warren Church and a recent pilgrim. Kurt and his partner Katie spent 10 days on the Camino in July. I wanted to glean some insight from him to help me with training and to get his perspective MORE
- September 22, 2018
There are well over a dozen different Camino routes to Santiago de Compostella that originate from all over Europe. I am taking the most traveled route, the Camino Francés. I chose this option because, as a solo traveler her first time on the Camino, I wanted to take the route MORE
- September 20, 2018
The Camino is a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella in Northwestern Spain. There are routes throughout Europe that lead to that one, magical spot said to be where the bones of Saint James (a disciple of Jesus) were found. For over 1000 years, people have traveled from throughout Europe and MORE
- September 20, 2018
Planning what to take on the Camino has been a real challenge, but at the same time, a great experience. After reading several accounts about how people brought way to much stuff on their Camino that led to pain and suffering, Caminos cut short and expensive packages of unnecessary items MORE
- September 19, 2018
Technically I have been training for the Camino for over a year. Once I decided I wanted to walk the Camino over a year ago, I started walking between 5 and 10 kilometers (10 kilometers is 6.2 miles) a day, very early each morning. Last Fall as the sun rose MORE
- September 13, 2018
Stay tuned…I plan to start writing my actually daily Camino Log when I start my journey on September 24th. In the meantime, feel free to check out the other topics or use the panel on the right to subscribe to daily emails of my log entries or to add them MORE
- September 5, 2018
I have read enough about other people’s experience on the Camino that I know the most important thing is to take care of your feet. I thought I had my footwear all figured out. On training walks I had been alternating between low and mid waterproof Merrell MOAB’s (Mother Of MORE
- September 3, 2018
Several months ago, a dear friend who will remain nameless, shared a deep, dark secret with me. She confided to me that she used wool underwear on a recent outdoor adventure and that it was so amazing she could wear it for a few days without washing. I mean, this MORE
- August 26, 2018
Maybe the Camino is calling to me because every 5 to 10 kilometers there is a town and every town has a bar (think of a bar in Spain more like a cafe or bistro) and every bar has food! So, of course, I want to simulate that in my MORE